MSA Committees ensure the strength of our organization by promoting clear and concise goals for our volunteers.
If you are interested in starting a new committee, please contact MSA Headquarters at this email.
The main function of the Archivist is to collect and make available media of all kinds that is of importance to the history of the Society. A subsidiary function is to assist with preservation of historically-important equipment. The ongoing Oral History Project has resulted in a collection of over 50 video interviews of outstanding microscopists. The most visible aspect of the Archives is the display of historical posters each year at the annual meeting, which includes yearly special or commemorative posters.
Interim Chair
Nestor J. Zaluzec
Certification Board
The Certification Board administers the written and practical examinations to certify biological transmission electron microscopy technologists. Examinations are administered to qualified candidates twice a year. Please contact the chairman for further information.
Sara Pawlak
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
The Marketing and Communications Committee is tasked with enhancing the society's communication strategies to effectively engage with its membership, stakeholders, and potential new audiences. The committee's primary objective is to collaborate with MSA’s marketing staff and provide guidance to develop and implement comprehensive communication plans that align with MSA's goals.
Nasim Alem
Penn State University
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
The DEI Committee aims to promote the visibilty and discussion of DEIA+ (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility) topics within the Society and microscopy-at-large and to facilitate increased attendance and involvement of underserved groups within the Society, at Society-related events, and among Society leadership positions.
Early Career Group
The Early Career Group (ECG) champions the growth and success of postdocs and early career professionals within the Microscopy Society of America (MSA). By creating a vibrant and supportive community, the ECG connects emerging microscopists with established members, offering resources, mentorship, and leadership opportunities. Through these efforts, the ECG aims to inspire the next generation of innovators while strengthening MSA’s network as a global hub for professionals in microscopy and related disciplines.
Working hand in hand with other MSA committees, the ECG develops programs that tackle the unique hurdles of transitioning from student to professional — such as building advanced technical expertise, finding funding, mapping out career directions, and establishing meaningful professional relationships. From conference events and interactive workshops to year-round virtual engagements, ECG initiatives equip early career members with the skills, confidence, and connections vital for thriving in their careers and evolving into future leaders of the Society.
Contact the Early Career Group: earlycareer@microscopy.org
Bryan Lim
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Daniela Fonseca
Lehigh University
Interested in joining the ECG? Fill out an interest form here!
These committees are dedicated to the development and successful implementation of educational and instructional programs for the benefit of the members of the society as well as others seeking to gain knowledge of microscopy and its associated techniques.
Over the years, the Education Committee has grown in size and responsibility, with many divergent subcommittees. It was most natural to create two committees, one involved with Educational Resources during the M&M meeting and the other with Educational Outreach associated with outside activities.
Focused Interest Groups (FIGs)
MSA FIGs are groups of MSA members who have organized, with the approval of MSA Council, to promote a specific discipline relevant to microscopy or microanalysis. Each FIG must have a minimum of 10 members to remain active. All MSA members are eligible and encouraged to participate in the existing FIGs for an annual fee.
Any group of MSA members who wishes to organize a new Focused Interest Group may contact the FIG Chair for more information.
To learn more about the current MSA FIGs and find FIG Leadership contact information, please click here.
- Official MSA Guidelines for all FIGs
Steven Spurgeon
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
The International Committee serves the needs and interests of MSA international members. This group allows members outside of North America to have a unified voice in presenting important global issue to the MSA Council and to the organization as a whole.
Joe Patterson
University of California, Irvine
Roberto dos Reis
Northwestern University
Local Affiliated Societies
The Local Affiliated Societies Director oversees the Microscopy Society of America's program that helps the local affiliate societies hold successful meetings throughout the year. The funding programs consist of: the Tour Speaker Program, the Grant-in-Aid Program and the Special Meeting Funding Program. The Director works with the local affiliates and acts as the liaison between the local affiliates and MSA Council.
LAS Director
Bernd Zechmann
Baylor University
Major Society Awards
The MSA Major Society Awards Committee ensures that experts and accomplished individuals in their field gain the proper recognition for their work through special awards and presentations.
Paul Kotula
Sandia National Laboratories
M&M Meeting Awards
Pinshane Huang
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
The main functions of the Membership Committee are to consider new products and services designed for members, develop new methods of expanding the membership of the Society, to foster student member growth, and to retain those individuals who are currently members.
Stephen Jett
Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
This committee is charged with overseeing the smooth and orderly transition of MSA leadership, according to procedures laid out in the Society By-Laws. The Committee is chaired by the MSA Past President.
Jay Potts
University of South Carolina, School of Medicine
Placement Office
The Placement Office provides a resource for prospective employers to advertise available positions in the field of microscopy. This is an ideal forum for prospective employers to get direct contact with the microscopy community and immediate access to members seeking employment. Space is also provided in the MSA Booth at the annual meetings for employers to list positions at no cost and for members seeking jobs to post their resumes.
Yuzhang Li
University of California, Los Angeles
The Executive Program Committee takes overall responsibility for planning and coordinating all activities associated with the Microscopy & Microanalysis meeting which is the annual scientific meeting of the Microscopy Society of America and the Microanalysis Society. The Committee also includes representatives from co-sponsoring societies. The chairs and co-chairs of future meetings are included on the committee to ensure a certain continuity to the meeting organization. Suggestions for future meetings such as topical symposia and tutorials, are always welcome and should be sent to the Program Committee Chair.
James Evans
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
The Publications Committee serves as the liaison to our publishers and editors, working side by side with representatives of Microscopy Today, Microscopy and Microanalysis, and the MSA Book Series.
MSA President - Paul Voyles
MSA President-Elect - Grant Jensen
MSA Past President - Jay Potts
Scientific Advisory Board
The goal of this Committee is to develop and provide input to MSA Council on important strategic scientific directions to influence MSA activites. This includes high level reviews of current activities and novel strategic scientific opportunities where the Society can help strengthen US scientific infrastructure in microscopy.
Peter Crozier
Arizona State University
The Standards Committee conducts most of its business electronically, except for a meetings held during major EM conferences where the committee members are attending. The committee has prepared a specification document that provides an in-depth review of the motivation, goals, and underlying considerations of a Hyper-dimensional Spectral File Format.
Nestor J. Zaluzec
Sustaining Members
Sustaining membership in the Microscopy Society of America (MSA) is the way in which members of the Microscopy community, especially those with commercial concerns interested in its promotion and growth, provide special support. In addition to the broad benefit of promoting the professional organization in the microscopic imaging and analytical sciences, Sustaining Members are recognized prominently in all MSA publications. Sustaining Members are also consulted regularly for advice on relevant aspects of the Society's operations.
Hope Arnold
Technologists' Forum
The mission of the Technologists' Forum is to promote those aspects of microscopy of interest to technologists. The Tech Forum is an MSA Committee with representation on Council by a liaison. Activities and benefits of the Tech Forum are available to all MSA members who wish to join. There is no extra fee to be a member of the Tech Forum. Their booth is part of the MSA Megabooth at the annual M&M meeting.
John Grazul
Cornell University