Atom Probe Field Ion Microscopy (APFIM)
About AP FIG
The Atom Probe Focused Interest Group (AP FIG) is a community of Microscopy Society of America (MSA) members with common interest in atom probe tomography (APT) and field ion microscopy (FIM) techniques for materials characterization. We are also promoting standards as related to APT. Our goal is to provide a forum for the exchange and discussion of information relevant to the membership. In addition to sponsoring other events, we host an annual business meeting and luncheon during the annual Microscopy & Microanalysis (M&M) conference.

AP-FIG Annual Business Luncheon, August 2015, during M&M 2015 in Portland, OR
Leader -- Baishakhi Mazumder, University at Buffalo
Leader-Elect -- Dan Schreiber, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Secretary/Treasurere -- Mukesh Bachhav, Idaho National Laboratory
Past Officers
(2019 - 2020)
Leader -- David Diercks, Colorado School of Mines
Leader-Elect -- Daniel Perea, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Secretary/Treasurer -- Baishakhi Mazumder, University at Buffalo
(2016 - 2017)
Leader -- Arun Devaraj, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Leader-Elect -- David Diercks, Colorado School of Mines
Secretary/Treasurer -- R. Prakash Kolli, University of Maryland
(2014 – 2015)
Leader -- Arun Devaraj, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Leader-Elect -- David Diercks, Colorado School of Mines
Secretary/Treasurer -- R. Prakash Kolli, University of Maryland
Past Sponsored or Co-Sponsored Events
- 1st Atom Probe Tomography Pre-Meeting Congress (1st APT PMC) at M&M 2016 in Columbus, OH — Essentials of Atom Probe Tomography; Organizers: Richard L. Martens (University of Alabama), Dr. Arun Devaraj (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), Dr. R. Prakash Kolli (University of Maryland), Dr. Baishakhi Mazumder (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Atom Probe Tomography Symposium at M&M 2015 in Portland, OR — A13 Advancing Data Collection and Analysis for Atom Probe Tomography; Organizers: Dr. Brian P. Gorman (Colorado School of Mines), Dr. R. Prakash Kolli (University of Maryland), Richard L. Martens (University of Alabama)
- Annual Business Meeting and Luncheon at M&M 2015 in Portland, OR; Guest Speaker — Dr. François Vurpillot (Université et INSA de Rouen), “Evaporation Fields: Is There Any Standards for Atom Probe Tomography?”
- 2014 Atom Probe Tomography Standards Workshop at NIST Gaithersburg, MD; Organizers: Dr. Arun Devaraj (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), Dr. R. Prakash Kolli (University of Maryland), Richard L. Martens (University of Alabama), Eric Steel (National Institute of Standards and Technology)
- Annual Business Meeting and Luncheon at M&M 2014 in Hartford, CT; Guest Speaker — Dr. Robert Ulfig (CAMECA Inc.), “Current Status and Future Direction of Atom-Probe Tomography (APT) Standards”
Become a Member
Annual dues are $15 and can be paid at membership renewal or when you join MSA. At other times membership can be made through the MSA Business Office.