The following group of colleagues have been elected as MSA Fellows.
The designation "MSA Fellow" is intended to recognize those who have been conferred the Society's Distinguished Scientist Awards, as well as senior distinguished members of the Society who have made significant contributions to the advancement of the field of microscopy and microanalysis through a combination of scientific achievement and service to the scientific community and the Society itself.
MSA Fellows duly elected by recommendation of the Fellows Committee, and individuals made Fellow by virtue of having been named MSA Distinguished Scientist, are listed below in order of the year of induction, and then alphabetically by last name.
Distinguished Scientists awarded on or after 2009 are listed with the year of their year of award. All Distinguished Scientists awarded through 2008 and living as of the beginning of the 2009 annual meeting were automatically given MSA Fellow status, and were made MSA Fellows with the Class of 2009.

Lucy Collinson (2025)

Marc De Graef (2025)

Andrew M. Minor (2025)

Simon Ringer (2025)
Teresa Ruiz (2025)

Naoya Shibata (2025)

Guangwen Zhou (2025)

Ilke Arslan (2024)

Louis Germinario (2024)

J. Murray Gibson (2024)

Adam P. Hitchcock (2024)
Yuichi Ikuhara (2024)

Jay Jerome (2024)

Ping Lu (2024)

Andre Mkhoyan (2024)

Velimir Radmilovic (2024)

Dave Tomlin (2024)

Huolin Xin (2024)

Juan Carlos Idrobo Tapia (2023)

Lena Kourkoutis (2023)

Andrew Lupini (2023)

John Panitz (2023)

Haimei Zheng (2023)

Miaofang Chi (2022)

Cynthia S. Goldsmith (2022)

Stig Helveg (2022)

Kenneth A. Taylor (2022)

Rudolf Tromp (2022)

David Agard (2021)

Sergei Kalinin (2021)

Robert Klie (2021)

Paul Kotula (2021)

Pamela Lloyd (2021)

Rhonda Stroud (2021)

Knut W. Urban (2021)

Chongmin Wang (2021)

Ian M. Anderson (2020)

Elizabeth C. Dickey (2020)

J. Bernard Heymann (2020)

Masashi Watanabe (2020)

Wilbur C. Bigelow (2019)

Edward D. Boyes (2019)

Bridget Carragher (2019)

Pratibha L. Gai (2019)

Ronald Gronsky (2019)

Maximilian Haider (2019)

Michael Marko (2019)

David W. McComb (2019)

Karren L. More (2019)

Dr. Wen-An Chiou (2018)

Dr. Linn W. Hobbs (2018)

Dr. Elaine C. Humphrey (2018)

Dr. Kazuo Ishizuka (2018)

Dr. David J. Larson (2018)

Prof. Guillermo Solórzano-Naranjo (2018)

Prof. Judith C. Yang (2018)

Prof. Jian Min Zuo (2018)

David C. Bell (2017)

Paul E. Fischione (2017)

Christopher J. Kiely (2017)

Jeanette Killius (2017)

Laurence D. Marks (2017)

Peter Rez (2017)

Phillip E. Russell (2017)

Heide Schatten (2017)

Helmut Gnaegi (2016)

Ernest L. Hall (2016)

David N. Mastronarde (2016)

Stuart McKernan (2016)

Renu Sharma (2016)

George D.W. Smith (2016)

James E. Wittig (2016)

Michael W. Davidson (2015)

Rafal E. Dunin-Borkowski (2015)

Elizabeth Ann Ellis (2015)

Peter W. Hawkes (2015)

Miguel José-Yacamán (2015)

Kent L. McDonald (2015)

Stanley Frank Platek (2015)

Michael T. Postek (2015)

Susanne Stemmer (2015)

Michael M.J. Treacy (2015)

Gianluigi Botton (2014)

Wah Chiu (2014)

Abhaya K. Datye (2014)

Marija Gajdardziska-Josifovska (2014)

Lucille A. Giannuzzi (2014)

Thomas F. Kelly (2014)

Xiaoqing Pan (2014)

David W. Piston (2014)

John F. Mansfield (2014)

Martha R. McCartney (2014)

Nigel D. Browning (2013)

David J. DeRosier (2013)

Hamish L. Fraser (2013)

David A. Muller (2013)

Michael Radermacher (2013)

David J. Smith (2013)

Eric A. Stach (2013)

Timothy S. Baker (2012)

Ulrich Dahmen (2012)

Margaret Ann Goldstein (2012)

Moon Kim (2012)

William J. Landis (2012)

Jingyue Liu (2012)

Beverly E. Maleeff (2012)

Robert L. Price (2012)

Frances M. Ross (2012)

David N. Seidman (2012)

Nan Yao (2012)

Ueli Aebi (2011)

Philip E. Batson (2011)

Patricia G. Calarco-Isaacson (2011)

Peter A. Crozier (2011)

J. Alwyn Eades (2011)

Brendan J. Griffin (2011)

William T. Gunning, III (2011)

W. Gray Jerome (2011)

Richard D. Leapman (2011)

Hannes Lichte (2011)

Charles E. Lyman (2011)

Michael A. O'Keefe (2011)

George Perry (2011)

Robert B. Simmons (2011)

Janet H. Woodward (2011)

Ralph M. Albrecht (2010)

Lawrence F. Allard, Jr. (2010)

Kenneth H. Downing (2010)

Joseph I. Goldstein (2010)

Michael S. Isaacson (2010)

Michael K. Miller (2010)

George Pappas (2010)

Stephen J. Pennycook (2010)

John P. Petrali (2010)

Zhong L. Wang (2010)

David B. Williams (2010)

Marc Adrian (2009)

Ronald M. Anderson (2009)

James Bentley (2009)

Mary Grace Burke (2009)

Ray W. Carpenter (2009)

C. Barry Carter (2009)

Albert V. Crewe (2009)

Vinayak Dravid (2009)

Jacques Dubochet (2009)

Patrick Echlin (2009)

Raymond F. Egerton (2009)

Marilyn Farquhar (2009)

Don W. Fawcett (2009)

Joachim Frank (2009)

Robert M. Glaeser (2009)

Audrey M. Glauert (2009)

Marc de Graef (2009)

Raymond Kenneth Hart (2009)

Hatsujiro Hashimoto (2009)

Richard Henderson (2009)

Sir Peter B. Hirsch (2009)

Archibald Howie (2009)

Hugh E. Huxley (2009)

Takeo Ichinokawa (2009)

Sumio Iijima (2009)

Shinya Inoué (2009)

David C. Joy (2009)

Morris J. Karnovsky (2009)

Aaron Klug (2009)

Ondrej L. Krivanek (2009)

Myron C. Ledbetter (2009)

Dennis McMullan (2009)

Joseph R. Michael (2009)

Sara E. Miller (2009)

Terence E. Mitchell (2009)

Thomas Mulvey (2009)

Dale E. Newbury (2009)

Gertrude Rempfer (2009)

Jean-Paul Revel (2009)

Harald Rose (2009)

F.O. Schmitt (2009)

Caroline Schooley (2009)

Ryuichi Shimizu (2009)

John Silcox (2009)

Robert Sinclair (2009)

S. J. Singer (2009)

Fritiof Sjostrand (2009)

Kenneth C.A. Smith (2009)

Avril V. Somlyo (2009)

John C.H. Spence (2009)

Alasdair C. Steven (2009)

Peter R. Swann (2009)

Gareth Thomas (2009)

Kiyoteru Tokuyasu (2009)

Nigel Unwin (2009)

Joseph S. Wall (2009)

Oliver C. Wells (2009)

Michael J. Whelan (2009)

Nestor J. Zaluzec (2009)

Elmar Zeitler (2009)

Yimei Zhu (2009)

Lucy Collinson (2025)
Distinguished Biological Scientist, 2025

Marc De Graef (2025)
Distinguished Physical Scientist, 2025

Andrew M. Minor (2025)
For the development of multiple novel in-situ methods for understanding materials deformation and international leadership in electron microscopy as Head of the U.S. National Center for Electron Microscopy.

Simon Ringer (2025)
For his research in electron microscopy and atom probe microscopy that has enabled major advances in materials science related to solute clustering, and for his leadership that has strengthened the global microscopy community.
Teresa Ruiz (2025)
As a cryo-electron microscopy pioneer in studies of helical assemblies (bacterial appendages); centrosomes; ATPases; and phosphofructokinase, and for serving MSA and microscopy communities as a leader, mentor, and friend.

Naoya Shibata (2025)
As an expert in atomic-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy who has pioneered the development of new microscopy instrumentation and quantitative imaging approaches for magnetic and polar materials.

Guangwen Zhou (2025)
For outstanding research using in-situ environmental transmission electron microscopy, advancing dynamic understanding of surface and interface reactions in harsh conditions, including high-temperature oxidation, catalysis, and manufacturing.

Ilke Arslan (2024)
For outstanding contributions to advancing electron microscopy and its wider availability; for the leadership in service to broader community, and especially for sustained outreach and advocacy for women and minorities in science.

Louis Germinario (2024)
An innovative pioneer in microscopy and mentor to many younger microscopists, Dr. Germinario's accomplishments include developing novel cold stage designs for cryo-EM studies in TEM/STEM, and in situ site-specific heavy atom imaging modalities.

J. Murray Gibson (2024)
Distinguished Scientist Award winner in the Physical Sciences, 2024.

Adam P. Hitchcock (2024)
For pioneering research in core level excitation spectroscopy and spectromicroscopy using electrons and X-rays.
Yuichi Ikuhara (2024)
For establishing innovative methods to quantitatively characterize and analyze local atomic structure, elemental distribution, and local electronic states at nanoscale and atomic interfaces and lattice defects, both experimentally and computationally.

Jay Jerome (2024)
Distinguished Scientist Award winner in the Biological Sciences, 2024.

Ping Lu (2024)
For significant and noteworthy contributions to the development and applications of atomic-scale electron microscopy and microanalysis to contemporary materials problems.

Andre Mkhoyan (2024)
For his seminal contributions to the understanding of electron beam channeling, quantification of imaging and spectroscopy in STEM, and for his discovery of fundamentally new behavior in crystal point and line defects using STEM.

Velimir Radmilovic (2024)
For the development and application of aberration-corrected imaging to the understanding of alloys and thermoelectric materials, and to fostering extensive international exchanges through the organization of multiple scientific meetings.

Dave Tomlin (2024)
For being a distinguished, longstanding member of the society, serving key roles on numerous committees and in elected positions, and for his expert contributions in failure analysis of semiconductor devices.

Huolin Xin (2024)
For his original contributions to the development of AI-powered TEM, 3D imaging, and novel imaging techniques for soft and energy materials, and his services to the Microscopy Society of America

Juan Carlos Idrobo Tapia (2023)
For sustained leadership in developing and advancing novel electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) methods for materials science.

Lena Kourkoutis (2023)
For pioneering contributions to the development of cryogenic scanning transmission electron microscopy as a quantitative tool for probing electronic phases in materials at the atomic scale, and exploring liquid-solid interfaces.
Deceased (†)

Andrew Lupini (2023)
For foundational contribution of theory and practice of aberration correction STEM, and applications for high-resolution EELS and e-beam atomic fabrication.

John Panitz (2023)
Distinguished Scientist Award winner in the Physical Sciences, 2023.

Haimei Zheng (2023)
For the development and application of quantitative, high-resolution, liquid cell and closed cell microscopy methods and their applications in understanding nanomaterial nucleation and growth, energy materials and liquid-solid interfaces.

Miaofang Chi (2022)
For sustained and outstanding contributions to advancing microscopy methods for the study of a broad range of energy materials.

Cynthia S. Goldsmith (2022)
For her long term commitment to improve public health and safety through her viral diagnosis and pathology electron microscopy research and her services to the microscopy community through teaching and training peers both locally and nationally.

Stig Helveg (2022)
For pioneering electron microscopy of materials under reactive gas environments and at atomic resolution, leading to ground breaking insights into gas-surface interactions in catalysis and nanomaterials.

Kenneth A. Taylor (2022)
Distinguished Scientist Award winner in the Biological Sciences, 2022.

Rudolf Tromp (2022)
Distinguished Scientist Award winner in the Physical Sciences, 2022

David Agard (2021)
Distinguished Scientist Award winner in the Biological Sciences, 2021

Sergei Kalinin (2021)
For pioneering contributions to quantitative scanning probe and scanning transmission electron microscopy, including functional imaging, machine learning and atomic fabrication.

Robert Klie (2021)
For his essential contributions to the fields of atomic-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy, electron energy-loss spectroscopy and in-situ heating/cooling techniques solving materials problems in oxide thin-films, catalysts and superconductors.

Paul Kotula (2021)
For contributions to the field of statistical analysis of spectral data and dedicated long-term service to the Microscopy Society of America.

Pamela Lloyd (2021)
For being a distinguished, longstanding member of the society, serving key roles on numerous committees and in elected positions, as well as for her expert contributions in biofilms and microbial contamination.

Rhonda Stroud (2021)
For her outstanding contributions and sustained leadership in advancing our knowledge and understanding of extraterrestrial materials, especially using aberration-corrected electron microscopy and vibrational spectroscopy.

Knut W. Urban (2021)
Distinguished Scientist Award winner in the Physical Sciences, 2021

Chongmin Wang (2021)
For being a pioneer in developing in-situ TEM tools for studying energy storage materials under dynamic operating conditions, leading to new understanding of charge transport and structural changes in materials.

Ian M. Anderson (2020)
For his long-term and tireless efforts at MSA, including the initiation of the Student Council, a path for the future of the Society. For his scientific contributions to HREM, AEM, spectroscopy, elemental mapping and atom probe analysis.

Elizabeth C. Dickey (2020)
For her outstanding microscopy contributions to the understanding of oxide nanostructures and their relevance to diverse fields including catalysis, fuel-cells and structural mechanics.For her outstanding microscopy contributions to the understanding of oxide nanostructures and their relevance to diverse fields including catalysis, fuel-cells and structural mechanics.%MCEPASTEBIN%

J. Bernard Heymann (2020)
Bernard Heymann is an internationally renowned specialist in software for biological electron microscopy. He has created, applied, and widely supports Bsoft, a powerful package for image reconstruction and electron tomography.

Masashi Watanabe (2020)
For outstanding contributions to quantitative STEM-XEDS microanalysis through his development of the zeta factor technique, and to the development of atomic-level microanalysis techniques for analytical electron microscopy.

Wilbur C. Bigelow (2019)
Wilbur Bigelow is a widely respected electron microscopist who has mentored, performed research and published in the area for over six decades. He is unequaled in the field.

Edward D. Boyes (2019)
For outstanding achievements in the development of the aberration-corrected environmental TEM and applications of atomic resolution ETEM to understanding materials behaviour.

Bridget Carragher (2019)
Distinguished Scientist Award winner in the Biological Sciences.

Pratibha L. Gai (2019)
For pioneering contributions to the science of catalysis through the application of atomic level in-situ studies in the environmental TEM.

Ronald Gronsky (2019)
For pioneering contributions to the development and advancement of high-resolution TEM, and for his long-standing service to the Society and unremitting efforts in educating generations of electron microscopists.

Maximilian Haider (2019)
For his contributions to making aberration correction a reality for electron microscopes, and thereby revolutionizing the understanding of nanomaterials, in particular.

Michael Marko (2019)
For his pioneering contributions in the field of phase-plates imaging for cryo-TEM, cryo-FIB in biology, and for his dedicated long-term service to the Microscopy Society of America.

David W. McComb (2019)
For development of electron energy-loss spectrometry and its application to inorganic, organic and molecular systems, as well as the development and implementation of remote microscopy for teaching and learning

Karren L. More (2019)
For her innovative studies of materials for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells through the use of advanced analytical microscopy methods

Dr. Wen-An Chiou (2018)
For pioneering the "WETEM" method of in situ microscopy that has contributed to the rapid growth of liquid cell techniques in electron microscopy, and for his several decades as an educator and mentor to thousands of students in the field.

Dr. Linn W. Hobbs (2018)
For pioneering work on TEM of beam-sensitive materials, microscopy of glass and amorphous materials, and combining these studies for understanding the role of glass in the immobilization of high-level waste.

Dr. Elaine C. Humphrey (2018)
For her skills in facility management, instruction, and creative outreach, and how she has advocated for science in education by making microscopy accessible to researchers and the public.

Dr. Kazuo Ishizuka (2018)
Kazuo Ishizuka is the founder and scientific director of HREM Research Inc. who provides various software tools for electron microscopy including image simulation, sophisticated data acquisition and image/spectrum processing.

Dr. David J. Larson (2018)
For his pioneering contributions to the development of atom probe science and technology, especially its application to complex materials systems, and for his many contributions to the Society.

Prof. Guillermo Solórzano-Naranjo (2018)
For his excellence in applying microscopy to solve materials problems and for his service to MSA and the microscopy community worldwide as an ambassador for international cooperation through microscopy.

Prof. Judith C. Yang (2018)
For world leading research in gas-surface reactions, especially oxidation, and catalytic reactions using innovative in situ electron microscopy techniques.

Prof. Jian Min Zuo (2018)
an expert in electron diffraction who has made essential contributions to theory of electron dynamic diffraction, especially theory and techniques of electron nanodiffraction for nanostructure analysis.

David C. Bell (2017)
For significant and innovative contributions to the development and applications of both helium-ion microscopy and low-voltage aberration-corrected electron microscopy.

Paul E. Fischione (2017)
For his many years of dedicated service to MSA, the national and international microscopy communities, and for his innovations in product development to improve microscopy sample preparation.

Christopher J. Kiely (2017)
For his distinguished contributions to the characterization of nanoscale features in particulate materials and interfaces, particularly in the areas of catalyst materials, nanoparticle self-assembly phenomena, carbonaceous materials and semiconductor heterointerfaces.

Jeanette Killius (2017)
For her selfless dedication to the field of microscopy in research, applications and educational outreach, and her personification of excellence and professionalism.

Laurence D. Marks (2017)
For extensive contributions in electron microscopy ranging from atomic resolution imaging of nanoparticles and surfaces to direct methods with electron diffraction, precession electron diffraction and in-situ tribology

Peter Rez (2017)
For calculations of scattering cross sections, interpretation of near edge structure, development of computer control for analytical microscopy, and ultra high resolution EELS.

Phillip E. Russell (2017)
For early development of FIB methods and SPM applications, education of students and professionals in basics of electron microscopy and microanalysis, involvement in LAS activities, and materials analysis entrepreneurship.

Heide Schatten (2017)
For her extensive contributions to our knowledge about the cell cytoskeleton in reproductive biology and cancer, and her service to the Microscopy Society of America and microscopy community.

Helmut Gnaegi (2016)
For his long history of diamond knife technology development and his outstanding dedication to instruction on their use.

Ernest L. Hall (2016)
For innovative development and application of microscopy and microanalysis techniques to address real-world industrial problems, and for his long-standing service to the Society and microscopy community in the United States

David N. Mastronarde (2016)
For advancing the field of electron tomography through data collection and image processing software development and for service to the EM community through workshops and scientific meetings.

Stuart McKernan (2016)
For his mastery of a host of analytical electron microscopy techniques, and for his long-standing service to the Society, particularly in the production of the Microscopy & Microanalysis meetings.

Renu Sharma (2016)
For contributions to the development of in situ environmental transmission electron microscopy and applications to dynamic structural investigations in a variety of materials systems.

George D.W. Smith (2016)
As a 2016 Distinguished Scientist Award winner in the Physical Sciences.

James E. Wittig (2016)
For dedicated and sustained application of the most advanced electron microscopy methods for the development of steels and magnetic materials, and for unwavering promotion of the field of microscopy.

Michael W. Davidson (2015)
As a 2015 Distinguished Scientist Award winner in the Biological Sciences.
Deceased (†)

Rafal E. Dunin-Borkowski (2015)
For international leadership of aberration-corrected electron microscopy for characterization of nanoscale particulate. For seminal and highly innovative development of electron holography to permit mapping of magnetic fields and electrostatic potentials.

Elizabeth Ann Ellis (2015)
For an outstanding career of selfless dedication to the field of microscopy in research, applications and educational outreach. Ann Ellis personifies excellence and professionalism.
Deceased (†)

Peter W. Hawkes (2015)
As a 2015 Distinguished Scientist Award winner in the Physical Sciences.

Miguel José-Yacamán (2015)
For his contribution to the study of the structure of metallic nano particles, to better understand their behavior in catalytic systems and their interaction with biological systems.

Kent L. McDonald (2015)
Contributions by Kent McDonald have advanced cryo preservation of biological samples through his roles in both developing innovative methods and disseminating the information through publications and presentations.

Stanley Frank Platek (2015)
For distinguished scientific contributions using light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive x-ray microanalysis in applications to forensic science, microanalysis, microscopy education and the MSA.

Michael T. Postek (2015)
For distinguished scientific contributions in the area of accurate dimensional metrology, National standards for instrument performance and calibration for scanned particle beam microscopy, education and service to the MSA.

Susanne Stemmer (2015)
For major contributions to the advancement of scanning transmission electron microscopy as a quantitative tool in materials science.

Michael M.J. Treacy (2015)
A gentleman and a scholar. For development of high angle annular dark field imaging, elucidation of zeolite and novel carbon structures, and origination of fluctuation microscopy to characterize amorphous materials.

Gianluigi Botton (2014)
For establishing a center of excellence in research and for achievements in TEM-EELS which have earned him an international reputation second to none.

Wah Chiu (2014)
As a 2014 Distinguished Scientist Award winner in the Biological Sciences.

Abhaya K. Datye (2014)
For the application of electron microscopy to better understand heterogeneous catalysis, especially catalyst preparation, sintering, regeneration, and structure-property correlations related to industrial catalytic processes.

Marija Gajdardziska-Josifovska (2014)
For pioneering work in polar oxide surfaces and interfaces with electron microscopy and diffraction and for leadership and mentoring roles in academia and the profession.

Lucille A. Giannuzzi (2014)
For pioneering the development and application of the focused ion beam tool for electron microscopy and for teaching of these techniques to the scientific community.

Thomas F. Kelly (2014)
For his pioneering contributions to the development of the local electrode atom probe which has revolutionized atomic-scale analysis of materials and for his many contributions to leadership in MSA.

Xiaoqing Pan (2014)
For his pioneering contributions to the development and innovative application of atomic resolution transmission electron microscopy and in situ techniques and to the science of multifunctional oxides and catalysts.

David W. Piston (2014)
For pioneering contributions advancing the field of fluorescence microscopy and for dedicated service to the field of microscopy and to MSA.

John F. Mansfield (2014)
For his long term contributions to expanding the field of microstructural characterization using CBED, ESEM, AEM; for his selfless efforts in developing tools to educate students, and for his long-standing support and leadership in MSA.

Martha R. McCartney (2014)
For contributions to the development of off-axis electron holography and applications to the quantification of nanoscale electrostatic and magnetic fields.

Nigel D. Browning (2013)
For distinguished contributions in (scanning) transmission electron microscopy; developing advanced spatial, temporal and spectroscopic techniques to better understand fundamental issues in physical and life sciences.

David J. DeRosier (2013)
As a 2013 Distinguished Scientist Award winner in the Biological Sciences.

Hamish L. Fraser (2013)
For pioneering developments in analytical electron microscopy and its integration with computational materials science to accelerate the development of Ti and other alloys critical to the aerospace industry.

David A. Muller (2013)
Cornell University
For application of outstanding experimental and theoretical skills to critical problems in materials physics, effective communication of the insights thus generated and attracting and training excellent students.

Michael Radermacher (2013)
For advancing the field of electron cryomicroscopy through image processing methods development, structural studies of biological systems, and for service to the EM community through workshops and scientific meetings.

David J. Smith (2013)
For his internationally recognized leadership in the development and application of atomic-resolution electron microscopy to materials, his tireless promotion of the technique through education and his dedicated service to MSA.

Eric A. Stach (2013)
For the development and application of in situ techniques, in particular nanoindentation and environmental transmission electron microscopy, to solve materials problems in the fields of deformation, catalysis and growth of nanostructures.

Timothy S. Baker (2012)
As a 2012 Distinguished Scientist Award winner in the Biological Sciences.

Ulrich Dahmen (2012)
For his contributions to the science of phase transformations and alloy development and for advancing transmission electron microscopy techniques.

Margaret Ann Goldstein (2012)
For her outstanding contributions to the understanding of cardiac ultrastructure using TEM techniques including 3D tomography and for her long-term contributions to international microscopy educational activities and the Microscopy Society of America.

Moon Kim (2012)
For his outstanding research using high resolution analytical electron microscopy for the characterization of materials and solid state electronics and for his development and construction of an ultra high vacuum (UHV) wafer bonding unit.

William J. Landis (2012)
For his outstanding research using microscopy and microanalysis to advance the knowledge of bone and cartilage development.

Jingyue Liu (2012)
For his many contributions to the study of catalysts, including the development of techniques for high-resolution backscattered electron imaging of supported metal catalyst nanoparticles.

Beverly E. Maleeff (2012)
For her devotion and long term service to the Microscopy Society of America, including her leadership roles in the Technologists' Forum and Focused Interests Groups.

Robert L. Price (2012)
For his contributions to the study of cardiovascular development and disease, biotechnology and cancer through confocal scanning laser and electron microscopy and for his many years of long term service and numerous leadership positions in the Microscopy Society of America.

Frances M. Ross (2012)
For her contributions in the development of novel in situ electron microscopy techniques including her pioneering work on studying liquid phase reactions in the TEM.

David N. Seidman (2012)
For his outstanding contributions to the advancement of atom probe field ion microscopy including designing the first APFIM with full computer control.

Nan Yao (2012)
For his contributions to the development and application of advanced microscopy techniques including electron, ion, x-ray, and atomic force microscopy imaging and microanalysis.

Ueli Aebi (2011)
As a 2011 Distinguished Scientist Award winner in the Biological Sciences.

Philip E. Batson (2011)
For his pioneering contributions to the development of spatially resolved electron energy loss spectroscopy and his successful use of this technique to solve important and difficult problems in materials.

Patricia G. Calarco-Isaacson (2011)
For distinguished scientific contributions to the understanding of embryo development, ultrastructural analysis, and for outstanding leadership and service to the Microscopy Society of America.

Peter A. Crozier (2011)
For outstanding original contributions to analytical and in-situ materials electron microscopy, and to leadership of the Microscopy Society of America.

J. Alwyn Eades (2011)
For developing and promoting electron diffraction methods in the TEM and SEM and for leadership in the microscopy community particularly in relation to Latin America.

Brendan J. Griffin (2011)
For outstanding original contributions as well as being an internationally recognized leader in the theory and application of variable pressure scanning electron microscopy.

William T. Gunning, III (2011)
For his expert contributions in ultrastructural pathology as well as a distinguished, longstanding member of the society, serving key roles on numerous committees and in elected positions, including president of MSA.

W. Gray Jerome (2011)
For his distinguished, long-standing involvement in the Society, including chairmanship of both the Education and Program committee's, Director of Council and President of the Society, as well as his outstanding research resume.

Richard D. Leapman (2011)
For his pioneering work using EELS in biological TEM and demonstrated over a period of 35 years that TEM-EELS can provide unique information in structural and cellular biology.

Hannes Lichte (2011)
As a 2011 Distinguished Scientist Award winner in the Physical Sciences.

Charles E. Lyman (2011)
For dedicated service to the Society as Director of Council, President of the Society and as Editor of both Microscopy and Microanalysis and Microscopy Today.

Michael A. O'Keefe (2011)
For scientific contributions advancing high resolution TEM, authoring the original software for image simulation, pioneering the establishment of sub-Ångstrom resolution, and for outstanding service to the Microscopy Society of America.

George Perry (2011)
For his world-renowned Alzheimer's Disease research as well as the development of microscopic methods that made studying the pathology of oxidative stress in neuroscience possible.

Robert B. Simmons (2011)
For his leadership in applications of multiple microscopy and analysis techniques to issues related to the human environment and as an expert witness in environmental litigation.

Janet H. Woodward (2011)
For her devotion, long term service and numerous leadership roles in the Microscopy Society of America.

Ralph M. Albrecht (2010)
For his pioneering studies in microscopy including the synthesis of gold coated, superparamagnetic magnetite core/shell nano-particles for targeted in vitro and in vivo destruction of cells (tumor or auto-reactive cells).

Lawrence F. Allard, Jr. (2010)
For his sustained scientific contributions to advancing the field of high resolution TEM/STEM and his outstanding service to the Microscopy Society of America

Kenneth H. Downing (2010)
For major contributions to cryo-EM by inventing new instrumentation and methods, solving key structures, training a new generation of scientists, and serving the community.
Deceased (†)

Joseph I. Goldstein (2010)
For his leadership in quantitative SEM and AEM x-ray microanalysis, in application of these tools to materials science, and in the education of generations of microscopists
Deceased (†)

Michael S. Isaacson (2010)
As a 2010 Distinguished Scientist Award winner in the Physical Sciences.

Michael K. Miller (2010)
For his outstanding scientific contributions through pioneering advancement of the field of atom probe field ion microscopy, including instrumentation and sustained development and application of novel statistical data analysis methods

George Pappas (2010)
As a 2010 Distinguished Scientist Award winner in the Biological Sciences.

Stephen J. Pennycook (2010)
For his pioneering contributions to the development and application of atomic-resolution high angle annular dark field imaging and electron energy loss spectroscopy

John P. Petrali (2010)
For his pioneering work in ultrastructural pathology, his tireless educational activities, and his outstanding contributions to the Microscopy Society of America and its local affiliates

Zhong L. Wang (2010)
For his pioneering research in the development of in-situ EM nanoscale measurement techniques, inelastic scattering theory, growth of oxide nanostructures, and seminal contributions to fields of functional materials and nanotechnology

David B. Williams (2010)
For his pioneering work in the applications of Transmission Electron Microscopy to materials science, including X-ray analysis, electron energy-loss spectrometry and convergent beam electron-diffraction techniques; and for his co-authorship of the leading textbook on TEM

Marc Adrian (2009)
Distinguished Biological Scientist, 2002
Deceased (†)

Ronald M. Anderson (2009)
For contributions to the characterization of electronic materials and for his long-term service to the Microscopy Society of America, especially for his outstanding work as Editor of Microscopy Today.

James Bentley (2009)
One of the foremost analytical electron microscopists in the world, an outstanding teacher and mentor, and a dedicated member of the Microscopy Society of America.

Mary Grace Burke (2009)
Served MSA in many offices over 20 years, including President, and winner of the Maser Distinguished Service Award. She is an internationally recognized metallurgist in nuclear power applications.

Ray W. Carpenter (2009)
For his great contributions to the Society in many different capacities (e.g., President, ASU HREM Winter School) and pioneer in applying microscopy techniques to materials research in many areas.

C. Barry Carter (2009)
For his ceaseless leadership in the Society, nationally and locally; for being a vocal proponent of transmission electron microscopy; and for his co-authorship of the leading textbook on TEM.

Albert V. Crewe (2009)
Distinguished Physical Scientist, 1976
Deceased (†)

Vinayak Dravid (2009)
For outstanding contributions and leadership in the nanoscale characterization of materials by electron microscopy and scanned probe microscopy.

Jacques Dubochet (2009)
As a 2009 Distinguished Scientist Award winner in the Biological Sciences.

Patrick Echlin (2009)
Distinguished Biological Scientist, 2001
Deceased (†)

Raymond F. Egerton (2009)
Distinguished Physical Scientist, 2004

Marilyn Farquhar (2009)
Distinguished Biological Scientist, 1987

Don W. Fawcett (2009)
Distinguished Biological Scientist, 1989
Deceased (†)

Joachim Frank (2009)
Distinguished Biological Scientist, 2003

Robert M. Glaeser (2009)
Distinguished Biological Scientist, 2004

Audrey M. Glauert (2009)
Distinguished Biological Scientist, 1990
Deceased (†)

Marc de Graef (2009)
For pioneering, seminal research in the development and application of quantitative Lorentz methods for magnetic materials characterization, theoretical magnetostatics for nanoscale magnetism, and undergraduate and graduate electron microscopy education.

Raymond Kenneth Hart (2009)
MSA member for 50 years, who served in many capacities and was its first Maser Distinguished Service Award Winner. He is a recognized international leader in forensic metallurgy.

Hatsujiro Hashimoto (2009)
Distinguished Physical Scientist, 1988

Richard Henderson (2009)
Distinguished Biological Scientist, 2005

Sir Peter B. Hirsch (2009)
Distinguished Physical Scientist, 1986

Archibald Howie (2009)
Distinguished Physical Scientist, 1991

Hugh E. Huxley (2009)
Distinguished Biological Scientist, 1991
Deceased (†)

Takeo Ichinokawa (2009)
Distinguished Physical Scientist, 1999

Sumio Iijima (2009)
Distinguished Physical Scientist, 2005

Shinya Inoué (2009)
Distinguished Biological Scientist, 1995

David C. Joy (2009)
For contributions to the application of the SEM in the areas of high resolution and low voltage imaging, and for the development of Monte Carlo simulation techniques for electron microscopy.

Morris J. Karnovsky (2009)
Distinguished Biological Scientist, 1988

Aaron Klug (2009)
Distinguished Biological Scientist, 1999
Deceased (†)

Ondrej L. Krivanek (2009)
Distinguished Physical Scientist, 2008

Myron C. Ledbetter (2009)
Distinguished Biological Scientist, 1996
Deceased (†)

Dennis McMullan (2009)
Distinguished Physical Scientist, 1994
Deceased (†)

Joseph R. Michael (2009)
Internationally-renowned expert in electron and focused ion beam microscopy who has made significant contributions to the scientific community, the society, and the education of microscopists.

Sara E. Miller (2009)
A leader in EM diagnostic virology who directs the largest US EM virology laboratory and is an accomplished educator nationally and internationally in virology and viral bioterrorism agents.

Terence E. Mitchell (2009)
Distinguished Physical Scientist, 2007
Deceased (†)

Thomas Mulvey (2009)
Distinguished Physical Scientist, 2001
Deceased (†)

Dale E. Newbury (2009)
For seminal contributions to the application of x-ray microanalysis and for the development of Monte Carlo simulation techniques for accurate micro and nano analysis.

Gertrude Rempfer (2009)
Distinguished Physical Scientist, 1990
Deceased (†)

Jean-Paul Revel (2009)
Distinguished Biological Scientist, 1993
Deceased (†)

Harald Rose (2009)
Distinguished Physical Scientist, 2003

F.O. Schmitt (2009)
Distinguished Biological Scientist, 1986
Deceased (†)

Caroline Schooley (2009)
An outstanding microscopist and educator who has made exceptional contributions to microscopy education from K-12 through post-graduate levels.
Deceased (†)

Ryuichi Shimizu (2009)
Distinguished Physical Scientist, 2002

John Silcox (2009)
Distinguished Physical Scientist, 1996

Robert Sinclair (2009)
As a 2009 Distinguished Scientist Award winner in the Physical Sciences.

S. J. Singer (2009)
Distinguished Biological Scientist, 1997

Fritiof Sjostrand (2009)
Distinguished Biological Scientist, 1992
Deceased (†)

Kenneth C.A. Smith (2009)
Distinguished Physical Scientist, 1993
Deceased (†)

Avril V. Somlyo (2009)
Distinguished Biological Scientist, 1998

John C.H. Spence (2009)
Distinguished Physical Scientist, 2006
Deceased (†)

Alasdair C. Steven (2009)
Distinguished Biological Scientist, 2008

Peter R. Swann (2009)
Distinguished Physical Scientist, 1997
Deceased (†)

Gareth Thomas (2009)
Distinguished Physical Scientist, 1980
Deceased (†)

Kiyoteru Tokuyasu (2009)
Distinguished Biological Scientist, 2000
Deceased (†)

Nigel Unwin (2009)
Distinguished Biological Scientist, 2007

Joseph S. Wall (2009)
Distinguished Biological Scientist, 2006

Oliver C. Wells (2009)
Distinguished Physical Scientist, 1992
Deceased (†)

Michael J. Whelan (2009)
Distinguished Physical Scientist, 1998

Nestor J. Zaluzec (2009)
For his tireless service to the society and his wide ranging research activities in the field of electron microscopy.

Elmar Zeitler (2009)
Distinguished Physical Scientist, 1989

Yimei Zhu (2009)
For outstanding and innovative development and implementation of advanced electron microscopy techniques including quantitative diffraction, imaging, spectroscopy, and phase retrieval methods in understanding superconducting, ferromagnetic, and strongly correlated materials