Photo Credit: Ellen Dallager | M&M 2023 Exhibit Hall


Photo Credit: Ellen Dallager | M&M 2023 Exhibit Hall

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Essential Techniques for Todays Scanning-Transmission Electron Microscopist
15 May 2024
15 May 2024

Essential Techniques for Todays Scanning-Transmission Electron Microscopist

  • Price: FREE

Essential Techniques for Today’s Scanning/Transmission Electron Microscopist

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Scanning/transmission electron microscopy (S/TEM) is arguably the most powerful materials characterization technique in existence, capable of providing micro- to pico-scale structural, morphological, electromagnetic, and chemical information.  Additionally, continual advances in S/TEM-related instrumentation, technology, and software coupled with the now ubiquitous presence and availability of CS-corrected instruments now facilitates routine collection of the highest-quality S/TEM data.  

Considering these factors, it is important for the modern-day S/TEM operator, researcher, or scientist to have at his/her disposal an appropriate set of essential S/TEM techniques to cover today’s frequently encountered, day-to-day materials characterization needs.  

This technical webinar will address:

  • Essential techniques for today’s STEM operator, researcher, or scientist
  • Justification for considering each technique as essential
  • Relative degree of importance of each technique
  • Other important techniques that just missed the cut for consideration as essential
  • Time provided for an open forum for questions!

About the Speaker

Nicholas G. Rudawski, PhD
Research Service Centers
Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611

Nicholas G. Rudawski, PhD joined the Research Service Centers at the University of Florida in 2012 as a service/teaching faculty in the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering where he is the primary staff member overseeing training, maintenance, and operation of three S/TEMs, two dual FIB/SEMs, and one SEM.  

A prolific publisher of research, he has used his electron microscopy skills to author/coauthor over 60 peer-reviewed publications including contributions to Nature Electronics, Physical Review Letters, Materials and Engineering R: Reports, Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Power Sources, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, and many others.  Additionally, he has contributed over 30 conference presentations, 5 book chapters, and 1 patent.

Dr. Rudawski lives in Gainesville, FL with his wife, Erica, (who is very supportive and even tolerant of his electron microscopy obsession) and his children, Avery (daughter), Me-lo (cat), and Plummie (dog).  When he is not working on something electron microscopy-related, he enjoys spending time with his family, lifting heavy things, making noise with his electric guitars, and watching The Simpsons.

Start Date & Time
Wed, May 15, 2024, 2:00 ET

End Date & Time

Zoom Webinar